AnHeC (I'm too fucking busy and vice versa)

Hi! My name is Anna, "You'd really like me if you got to know me. I've known me for years and I love me."

Finally I had some time to read! Mua ha ha ha haaaaaa!

The Emerald Storm - Michael J. Sullivan



Yey! Today I spent about 4 hours on various buses and trains, so I had some time to read. Finally. I really needed that. Lately my life is just insanely busy while at the same time being ridiculously boring... In short - my university will destroy me as a human being. With extreme boredom (or even bore-doom).


But nvm. all my drama. Let's focus on this book! And the action that decided to go bananas in the best way. There are two plotlines and both are equally exciting. Which is something amazing. I love the characters and how well I got to know them. But the most important thing is, I'm still not entirely sure how the whole story will play out. Where is it going? I'm not clear on that! Yessss! A book that isn't totally obvious. Finally. To finish it or to sleep? Is that even a question? I think not.

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