Hi! My name is Anna, "You'd really like me if you got to know me. I've known me for years and I love me."
How to edit your blog's layout using Stylebot for Google Chrome can be found here
As you can see from my current layout I am using a background picture while the background of my blog posts is white which makes it easier to read.
Warning: This MAY work for Theme #1 only!
When I clicked on read more to read the comments users have kindly left for me I noticed that the background for my comment section wasn't white but transparent which resulted in the actual comments being hard to read.
Easy enough to change, I thought and started up Stylebot on this page yet soon realized that I can't select the comment section on its own to set a background color.
After digging around the code for a bit I found that the comment section didn't have its own div.class which I had to change.
To change the HTML code go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Blog -> Template Customize, then click on Edit HTML
This is what the code looked like before my changes.
I decided to name the div-class post-meta and that's what the code looked like then:
I added the two lines that are marked red and then I saved my changes.
I went back to my blog post, started Stylebot and now was able to select the comment section (see green frame the right as well as the name of this div.class on the left.
I changed the background color to white (#ffffff) and added a top-padding of 0, saved it, copied the CSS code to my custom CSS unter Dashboard -> Settings -> Blog -> Customize and saved the changes again.
Now I can read my comments on a white background AND have a background picture behind it all :)