AnHeC (I'm too fucking busy and vice versa)

Hi! My name is Anna, "You'd really like me if you got to know me. I've known me for years and I love me."

Rating: Destined for redemption?

Days of Blood & Starlight - Laini Taylor

While this book started about as bland as the last one ended, soon things began to move. It wasn’t thrilling by any means, but decent. The action picked up, the main characters (lovey-dovey) were still separated, which is to what I attribute the change. Magical-pointless-love nonsense has been exchanged for actual plot development, character exposition and depth.

Despite my continuous contempt for the main teen drama-queen the whole picture perked up (even though, in the book, things got pretty grim.) Yes, it wasn’t perfect or thrilling, with all the, still, oh-so-dull inserts waved together with oh-so-pathetic underdeveloped characters I found really hard to like. Till the very end. Nope, still don’t like them. Especially Karou (basic bitch). But, things steadily improved.

Until finally, to my great surprise, the last 20% of the book finally hit it off. Action! Adventure! Danger! Finally, stuff was happening! It was a truly engaging experience. Pair that with decent writing and you have yourself a solid chunk of fun!

Unfortunately, the change came too late to sway my rating. Like a tired and bored Victorian lady whose husband (entirely by accident) during a night of underwhelming lovemaking, right as he was to selfishly reach the height, actually, to her surprise, started doing something which felt... good. Alas, he was done before she could fully give in to throws of passion and was left with an indecently incessant itch to scratch. As he rolled over and fell asleep. ‘Maybe another night’ she thought, as a small light of hope was lit up in her soul.

‘Maybe in the next book’ thought the reader, still reluctant, but hopeful, as she sat down to write a review.